Friday, April 3, 2009


It is time to warn you about those who love to be adored. You would not have believed me if I had warned you about this during the election. Oh, you might have seen it. The giant attendances for various speechs while he ran for President was the first give away. But you probably just thought that is what people do when they run for President.

But once you become the President or the leader of any nation why do you continue to give speechs in front of thousands of people? The answer is that you not only love it, but you love the adoration. You use your gift to make the opposite seem true. Going more into debt will get us out of debt. Government jobs are better than private sector jobs. You get the idea. He was very good with a prepared speech.

Think back and ask yourself who gave speeches to extra-large crowds? Don't count those special events like a Pope giving an outdoor mass, or Chuchill at Buckingham Palace at the end of World War II. Count the ones where a leader of a nation was often filmed while giving speechs to those extra-large crowds. Anyone come to mind? If so, was that person who came to mind considered to be normal? Or was that person who came to your mind considered to someone with a severe character disorder at the least?

The man who came to mind would be considered a rock star by today's standards to those that admired him. Much like your President. It is never good for a Democracy to have a rock star as the leader. Rock stardom is based on form and less on function. Core beliefs that are easily expressed is what makes a President into a great leader.

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